Jabon adalah jenis pohon cahaya (light-demander) yang cepat tumbuh. Pada umur 3 tahun tingginya dapat mencapai 9 m dengan diameter 11 cm. Pada usia 5-6 tahun lingkar batangnya bisa 40 sampai 50 cm, diameter Pertumbuhan antara 5-10 cm/tahun. Di alam bebas, pohon Jabon pernah ditemukan mencapai tinggi 45 m dengan diameter lebih dari 100 cm.
Bentuk tajuk seperti payung dengan sistem percabangan melingkar. Daunnya tidak lebat. Batang lurus silindris dan tidak berbanir dengan tingkat kelurusan yang sangat bagus. Batangnya bebas cabang sampai 60%,cabang akan rontok sendiri (self purning), warna kayunya putih krem (kuning terang) sampai sawo kemerah merahan.
Kayunya mudah dikeringkan, mudah dipaku dan di lem, susutnya rendah. Sangat mungkin dimanfaatkan oleh Industri Mebel/Furniture, Plywood/kayu Lapis, Batang Korek Api, Alas sepatu, Papan, Peti, bahan kertas kelas sedang.
Pohon usia 5 tahun dapat di panen, Usaha Kebun JABON menguntungkan dan menjanjikan.
ACTORS mining business, government and economic observers are very keen in framing and wrapping mining investment, mining both mineral and oil and gas. Starting from the pack of interest income, employment, accelerate economic growth, to wrap reduce poverty. "Framming" is so perfect, but true that the mining industry will bring prosperity to the people?. There's a mockery that often leveled by the pro mining when responding to critical attitude which refuses the presence of the mining industry in the area, something like this, "If you do not agree with mine, just go back to stone age. Also no longer need to use the tools that use a mineral base. " This banter they do as a philosophy of suicide, for their inability to explain the relationship between mining and the prosperity of the people who never actually positively correlated. Aceh would soon enter the phase of the regime or the regime of industrial mineral mining dredging industry, replacing the regime of hydrocarbons in North Aceh who had failed to answer the meaning of prosperity for the people of Aceh, while the oil and gas field Arun over the years to support the Indonesian national budget in order era new. The signs will be the emergence of regimes minerals, especially gold mining industry and coal in Aceh have been visible to the eye. In the Department of Forestry has ten mining companies queuing up, waiting for permission over the functions of forests for mining exploration activities. In Kabupaten Nagan Raya, PT Surya Kencana has stepped nails a step further, exploring gold and coal, not to mention in Central Aceh and the east coast of Aceh. The mining industry is an industry that is not sustainable because it depends on the non-renewable resource. If the then pro-mining group is so confident that the mineral mining industry in Aceh will bring prosperity. What about the environmental impact that will inherit the mining industry, especially after the operation?. There would be more impoverished communities around the mining area. Environmental management in mining operations should include the whole phase of the mining activities, ranging from the exploration phase, production phase, until the post-closure. Learning from the record closing of mining operations conducted by PT Barisan Tropical Mining (owned Laverton Gold Australia) in South Sumatra, PT Indo Moro Kencana (owned Aurora Gold Australia), PT Newmont Minahasa Raya (Newmont-owned United States), PT Kelian Equatorial Mining (owned by Rio Tinto's UK-Australia). Aceh should have been preparing ourselves and much to learn from the cases of mining in other parts of Indonesia. The phenomenon that occurs in the mining industry in Indonesia, the mining company would have immunity to not obey the rules of the environment and can freely perform without fear of sanction pollution. Another behavior is the practice of dumping mining wastes in ways primitive, dumping tailings directly into rivers, lakes, and seas. Heritage Mining Industry The mining industry in the post-surgery will leave a legacy that has many potential dangers in the long run, among others; Hole mines (Pit), acid mine water (Acid Mine Drainage), and tailings. Hole Mine. Most of the mineral mining in Indonesia is done by open. When finished operating, the company left giant holes in the former mining area. The holes that potentially cause long-term environmental impacts, mainly related to the quality and quantity of water. Mine pit water containing various heavy metals that can seep into the groundwater system and can contaminate the ground water around. Potential hazards due to seepage into the ground water is often not monitored due to weak monitoring systems such mining companies. On the island of Bangka and Belitung many encountered in holes dug tin mines (vault) that contains water is acidic and very dangerous. Acid Mine Water. Acid mine water containing heavy metals has the potential to cause environmental impacts in the long term. When the acid mine water has been formed it will be very difficult to stop because of the nature of the reactions that occur in rocks. For example, the mining of lead in the era of the Roman empire was still producing acid mine water 2000 years later. Acid mine water newly formed many years later so that mining companies do not make long-term monitoring can either assume that the waste rock does not cause acid mine water. Acid mine water has the potential to contaminate surface water and groundwater. Once the contaminated water would be difficult to take action handling. Tailings. Tailings produced from mining operations in very large quantities. Approximately 97 percent of the ore processed by the ore processing plant ends up as tailings. Tailings containing heavy metals in a fairly alarming levels, such as copper, lead or lead, mercury, zinc, and arsenic. When entering into the living body of heavy metals will accumulate in the tissues of the body and can cause harmful health effects. Unfortunately, there is no rule in Indonesia that requires mining companies to mine closure process correctly and responsibly. Contract mining work only requires mining companies to do reclamation, in the minds of many players in this industry is greening or planting of trees alone. Far from the truth. The Government of Aceh could not hurt to learn from the cases and the portrait of mining in other areas in the face of invasion dredging industry regime that has entered into Aceh. Mining investment should not necessarily be seen from the economic dimension by ignoring the environmental issues that are long term and latent. Learning from the many cases the presence of mining in poor areas, only an illusion of prosperity for the people, plus a long-term legacy of environmental pollution named
Nice Blog I found for Mining Investment.. Keep Posting!!!
Mining Company
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