Jabon adalah jenis pohon cahaya (light-demander) yang cepat tumbuh. Pada umur 3 tahun tingginya dapat mencapai 9 m dengan diameter 11 cm. Pada usia 5-6 tahun lingkar batangnya bisa 40 sampai 50 cm, diameter Pertumbuhan antara 5-10 cm/tahun. Di alam bebas, pohon Jabon pernah ditemukan mencapai tinggi 45 m dengan diameter lebih dari 100 cm.
Bentuk tajuk seperti payung dengan sistem percabangan melingkar. Daunnya tidak lebat. Batang lurus silindris dan tidak berbanir dengan tingkat kelurusan yang sangat bagus. Batangnya bebas cabang sampai 60%,cabang akan rontok sendiri (self purning), warna kayunya putih krem (kuning terang) sampai sawo kemerah merahan.
Kayunya mudah dikeringkan, mudah dipaku dan di lem, susutnya rendah. Sangat mungkin dimanfaatkan oleh Industri Mebel/Furniture, Plywood/kayu Lapis, Batang Korek Api, Alas sepatu, Papan, Peti, bahan kertas kelas sedang.
Pohon usia 5 tahun dapat di panen, Usaha Kebun JABON menguntungkan dan menjanjikan.
By: Muhammad Nizar | 02-Feb-2011 KabarIndonesia - Damage to peat swamp forest in Tripa, Nagan Raya and Aceh Barat Daya exceeded 50 percent. Green Aceh policy and Logging Moratorium assessed only mere rhetoric. The government considered negligent in the handling of the case. In response to this dozens of environmental activists who are members of the Preservation Coalition Team Rawa Tripa (TKPRT) from various environmental NGOs demonstrating. The protest took place at two points namely Simpang Lima Banda Aceh and continued with the long march to the parliament building in Aceh, on Wednesday (2 / 2). The action is at the same time commemorate World Wetlands Day. "The condition is alarming Tripa swamp forest is an example of how unclear the Green Aceh program and Logging Moratorium imposed government. Aceh Green is still in the laptop. There has been no real action from the policy, "said Zulfikar TM, Director of Forum for Environment (WALHI), which joined in the action. Zulfikar said, Rawa Tripa has broken above 50 percent. Ecological functions of wetlands have now been disrupted due to land conversion to oil palm land. The government should make the forest area into a protected area. "DPRA also must include the issue of Rawa Tripa in Spatial Planning (RTRW) Aceh. Eliminate area status of other users (APL) for bog peat. Because damage to the forest, starting in the 1990s. Thus, the Green Aceh policy must comply with the conditions. Do not just remove the program, but there is not realizable, "said Zulfikar. If the government does not hear a recommendation from us, go Zulfikar, the government should be replaced, because this case must be addressed. "Back off course if not capable." Residents Tripathi, Tripathi Wirduna (22) reveals, the people to reclaim their rights to forest management Tripa. "Rawa Tripa not wetlands to power. Entrepreneurs have seized Rawa Tripa with permission from the government. Therefore, stop granting rights (HGU) in Rawa Tripa. HGU in Rawa Tripa must be evaluated. Palm is not a solution for the development of Aceh, in particular our region, "snapped Wirduna. Action continued in the provincial parliament building was welcomed by Chairman of Committee A provincial parliament, Adnan Beuransyah. "We're discussing RTRWA. So, still need the info for the regulations that would slow boil it. Do not get any info that lame, then the DPRA still need info about current conditions in Aceh. 69 board members are not able to watch all of Aceh's forests are so vast. " Adnan added, but the DPRA are still committed to preserve the forests of Aceh through the canon that will be deliberated. "But you-you (protesters-red) also have appealed this to the government not only to the board. Executing in the field is the executive, while the board only makes the rules, "said Adnan. Earlier in the Tripa swamp forest areas there are different populations of animals such as sun bears, Sumatran tigers, estuarine crocodiles, birds rangkok, and various other wildlife species. After the clearing of forest land in the area, many species are threatened with extinction. Tripa swamp is one of three swamp forests in the west coast of Sumatra island with an area of approximately 61,803 hectares. Administratively, 60 percent area of Rawa Tripa Darul Makmur in Nagan Raya district. The rest is in the region Babahrot Aceh Barat Daya. The areas are located within the Leuser Ecosystem (KEL), in which three large rivers that flow into the region boundary.
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