Jabon adalah jenis pohon cahaya (light-demander) yang cepat tumbuh. Pada umur 3 tahun tingginya dapat mencapai 9 m dengan diameter 11 cm. Pada usia 5-6 tahun lingkar batangnya bisa 40 sampai 50 cm, diameter Pertumbuhan antara 5-10 cm/tahun. Di alam bebas, pohon Jabon pernah ditemukan mencapai tinggi 45 m dengan diameter lebih dari 100 cm.
Bentuk tajuk seperti payung dengan sistem percabangan melingkar. Daunnya tidak lebat. Batang lurus silindris dan tidak berbanir dengan tingkat kelurusan yang sangat bagus. Batangnya bebas cabang sampai 60%,cabang akan rontok sendiri (self purning), warna kayunya putih krem (kuning terang) sampai sawo kemerah merahan.
Kayunya mudah dikeringkan, mudah dipaku dan di lem, susutnya rendah. Sangat mungkin dimanfaatkan oleh Industri Mebel/Furniture, Plywood/kayu Lapis, Batang Korek Api, Alas sepatu, Papan, Peti, bahan kertas kelas sedang.
Pohon usia 5 tahun dapat di panen, Usaha Kebun JABON menguntungkan dan menjanjikan.
INN Channles, Sydney The APEC leaders summit in Sydney that contain only an aspirational goal the reduction of greenhouse emissions without binding targets assessed Australian Prime Minister John Howard as''a realistic and workable outcome. " The defense was conveyed in a press conference after the summit the leaders of the 15th Forum Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Sydney, Sunday. Howard said, is not realistic to impose the will, because each member of APEC economies have different conditions and understand their respective positions. However, the 15 th APEC Summit which was attended by leaders of the United States and China as two major emitters in the world, is very important. Unilateral approach''will not be able to walk,''he said. Howard said he would push forward the achievement of the 15th APEC Summit in Sydney on climate change that when he attended a meeting of countries of the US-sponsored advanced economy late September 2007 and the UN conference on climate change in Bali in December 2007. But he cautioned that the road is still long to reach the global settings pascatahun 2012. In a press conference, Howard also was asked about the purpose trilateralnya security dialogue with President George W Bush and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the sidelines of the 15th APEC Summit Sydney, particularly in relation to China. He said the dialogue himself with President Bush and Prime Minister Abe was a natural thing and''not directed to anyone.'' Associated with climate change issues, the APEC leaders in a declaration promising to fully support Indonesia as the 13th President of the Conference of States Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change / UNFCCC) in Bali , 2 to 14 December 2007. In the Sydney Declaration on climate change, energy security and clean development, APEC leaders also committed to build at least 20 million hectares of forests of various types in 2020 became an important part of APEC's action agenda. Prime Minister Howard said the Sydney Declaration will also be a new international consensus in dealing with the problem of global warming. In the Sydney Declaration, the APEC leaders said, as part of the parties involved in the UNFCCC, they agreed to work "actively and constructively" toward achieving a post-2012 arrangements. "We agree to work to achieve a common understanding about the goals of global emissions reductions that` aspirational 'long-term to make way for the achievement of post-2012 international arrangement, "said the APEC leaders in a declaration. They also appreciate the efforts of Japan and Canada in proposing long-term global goal, and welcome the initiative of the United States (U.S.) facilitated the meeting the members of the major economies to reach agreement on "a detailed contribution" to the post-2012 global arrangement under the framework UNFCCC. APEC leaders also promised to support the initiative of UN Secretary General to create a high-level activity on climate change. They also agreed to work together, both at the bilateral, regional, and global levels to support the realization of a clean development by making "the UN climate process" appropriate multilateral forum for international negotiations on climate change. In that declaration, the leaders of the established cooperation forum in 1989 that was reaffirmed their commitment to joint the entire international community to encourage the achievement of a global solution to the problem of climate change. Without prejudice to other fora, the APEC leaders in the declaration also includes the APEC action agenda that emphasizes the importance of improving energy efficiency through efforts to achieve APEC region aspirational''goals''to reduce energy intensity until at least 25 in 2030. So seeks to achieve the aspirational goals of APEC to increase forest areas in the region until at least 20 million hectares of forests of various types in 2020. If this goal is achieved, the forest area that will''save about 1.4 billion tons of carbon''or equal to about 11 percent of global emissions per year. APEC leaders also decided the establishment of Asia-Pacific Network for Energy Technology (APNet) to strengthen cooperation in energy research, especially on fossil energy resources and which can be renewed. It was decided also the establishment of Asia-Pacific Network for Forest Management and Rehabilitation to enhance capacity building and strengthen information exchange in the forestry sector, as well as continuing efforts to trade in goods and environmental services, air transport, the use of low-carbon energy, energy security, the protection of biological resources and marine, policy analysis capabilities, and a mutually beneficial approach. The summit leaders economic cooperation forum consists of Indonesia, Australia, U.S., Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Singapore , Thailand, and Vietnam that incorporate climate change issues as a major agenda, besides the issue of the Doha Round negotiations. APEC leaders summit that ended the 15 th in Sydney had pledged to work together break the ice process of negotiating the Doha Round World Trade Organization (WTO). In the declaration, the leaders that the economy will also strengthen regional economic cooperation and assess the Asia-Pacific free trade area
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