Sunday, April 24, 2011

Climate Change

Jabon adalah Tanaman Kayu Keras yang cepat tumbuh, Tanaman yang termasuk famili Rubiaceae ini tumbuh baik pada ketinggian 0 – 1 000 m dpl, pada jenis tanah lempung, podsolik cokelat, dan aluvial lembab yang yang umumnya terdapat di sepanjang sungai yang beraerasi baik.

Jabon adalah jenis pohon cahaya (light-demander) yang cepat tumbuh. Pada umur 3 tahun tingginya dapat mencapai 9 m dengan diameter 11 cm. Pada usia 5-6 tahun lingkar batangnya bisa 40 sampai 50 cm, diameter Pertumbuhan antara 5-10 cm/tahun. Di alam bebas, pohon Jabon pernah ditemukan mencapai tinggi 45 m dengan diameter lebih dari 100 cm.

Bentuk tajuk seperti payung dengan sistem percabangan melingkar. Daunnya tidak lebat. Batang lurus silindris dan tidak berbanir dengan tingkat kelurusan yang sangat bagus. Batangnya bebas cabang sampai 60%,cabang akan rontok sendiri (self purning), warna kayunya putih krem (kuning terang) sampai sawo kemerah merahan.

Kayunya mudah dikeringkan, mudah dipaku dan di lem, susutnya rendah. Sangat mungkin dimanfaatkan oleh Industri Mebel/Furniture, Plywood/kayu Lapis, Batang Korek Api, Alas sepatu, Papan, Peti, bahan kertas kelas sedang.

Pohon usia 5 tahun dapat di panen, Usaha Kebun JABON menguntungkan dan menjanjikan.

Followed by 28 Country, Visit the island of Komodo and orangutans in Central Kalimantan Youth from 28 countries in the world of youth meeting the world or the World Assembly of Youth to declare a change of climate or of the International Climate Change Youth Forum at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) took place from February 21 to 28 last. The youth delegates of which came from Brunei Darussalam, Italy, the Kingdom of Tonga, Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) as well as envoys KNPI and other local youth organizations. DPP Chairman KNPI Syamsul Tribuana explain the purpose of a main declaration of youth the world to inspire all people think about the future of the earth. Because climate change is increasingly felt at the moment and very urgent. So the climate change declaration should be held to preserve the future of the earth and the ecosystem. When events take place a number of state officials attended including the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Fadel Muhammad, the Minister of Forestry Zulkifli Hasan, Coordinating Minister and Deputy Supreme Laksono Menpora. "During this very rarely held an international youth congress. If there is any international youth congress held but did not always end with a declaration. Especially declarations about climate change. Therefore, with this momentum into new breakthroughs for the rise of youth awareness of sustainability and saving the earth in the future, "said Syamsul. World youth meeting was followed by visiting a number of endangered species conservation center and the island including the wonders of the world. The visit was divided into three groups in three countries anta-ranya visit Tanjung Putting National Park (TNTP) in West Kotawaringin regency in Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan). Area is the Camp Leakey is the center of captive orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) and the Cape of Good Hope or so-called Tanjung Balai Memories is the location TNTP provided specifically for tree planting. "In addition, Komodo National Park in East Nusa Tenggara visited nine countries and Marine Park in South Sulawesi, visited 10 countries of the world youth congress participants. After the declaration of youth participants visit upon the invitation of the Chairman of the House of Representatives in the capitol Marzuki Ali Senayan and Monday, February 28 nights continued closure by Menkokesra Agung Laksono and Deputy Menpora, "he added.


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