Jabon adalah jenis pohon cahaya (light-demander) yang cepat tumbuh. Pada umur 3 tahun tingginya dapat mencapai 9 m dengan diameter 11 cm. Pada usia 5-6 tahun lingkar batangnya bisa 40 sampai 50 cm, diameter Pertumbuhan antara 5-10 cm/tahun. Di alam bebas, pohon Jabon pernah ditemukan mencapai tinggi 45 m dengan diameter lebih dari 100 cm.
Bentuk tajuk seperti payung dengan sistem percabangan melingkar. Daunnya tidak lebat. Batang lurus silindris dan tidak berbanir dengan tingkat kelurusan yang sangat bagus. Batangnya bebas cabang sampai 60%,cabang akan rontok sendiri (self purning), warna kayunya putih krem (kuning terang) sampai sawo kemerah merahan.
Kayunya mudah dikeringkan, mudah dipaku dan di lem, susutnya rendah. Sangat mungkin dimanfaatkan oleh Industri Mebel/Furniture, Plywood/kayu Lapis, Batang Korek Api, Alas sepatu, Papan, Peti, bahan kertas kelas sedang.
Pohon usia 5 tahun dapat di panen, Usaha Kebun JABON menguntungkan dan menjanjikan.
The public will have the opportunity to help refine the Sustainability Concepts at the Sustainable City Public Workshop, to be hosted by the City of South Lake Tahoe on September 10th at the South Lake Tahoe Middle School, 6-9 pm. 1. GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE Create comprehensive “green” infrastructure strategies to address sustainability objectives in the supply and management of energy, solid waste and materials, water and waste water. Alternative Energy Resources Develop a comprehensive strategy to reduce GHG emissions and climate impacts. Increase energy efficiency, reduce emissions and support local, clean and renewable energy sources Shift away from reliance on non-renewable sources Incorporate climate change into general plans Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling Increase economic efficiency and performance by reducing the consumption of non-renewable resources Promote reduction, re-use and recycling Divert solid waste from the landfill including household, commercial, construction and site/forest clearing waste Implement recycled content and green procurement policies Water and Waste Water Reduction Use water more efficiently in our homes, businesses and landscapes, and manage runoff that maintain natural hydrological regimes Develop an innovative water and waste waste management strategy that considers water supply and treatment systems Reduce demand for potable water through water recycling and reuse of treated water 2. LAKE CLARITY AND WATERSHED RESTORATION Respond to the clarity challenge. Improve stormwater management with green streets and innovative best practices. Move toward area-wide planning and design and work to accelerate urban water quality improvements and environmental threshold implementation. Incorporate new functional open spaces in redeveloped areas to serve as both public amenities and to provide opportunities for urban water quality improvements Develop a coordinated stormwater management system to minimize runoff, improve area-wide stormwater retention and reuse Improve stormwater quality management with use of swales and natural treatment systems and integration of runoff into functional design elements and public art Utilize green streets to manage stormwater, reduce flows, improve water quality and enhance watershed health Explore impervious materials for parking areas and test on some street sections 3. COMPLETE COMMUNITY Develop a complete community that offers its residents the opportunity to work, live, play, shop and learn within a convenient walking or transit distance. Reduce energy, water use and vehicle miles traveled with efficient land use planning. a. Strengthened neighborhoods b. Pedestrian-oriented mixed-use centers c. Enhanced gateways & places Implement Smart Growth principles to create walkable, mixed-use centers, compact neighborhoods, and enhanced gateways and places Promote infill and reinvestment to increase density within walking distance of transit stops Protect key riparian areas and natural features Commercial uses in community plan areas should complement each other not compete Improve connections and access to a wide range of recreational opportunities, which will improve the quality of life of residents and visitors 4. ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY TRANSPORTATION Reduce dependence on the automobile by providing increased mobility options. Encourage pedestrian/transit-oriented redevelopment to reduce emissions and vehicle miles traveled. Improve connections between all neighborhoods and communities with sidewalk and multi-use trail network enhancements Design “complete streets” that are safe for pedestrians with multiple mobility options in mind Create regular/dependable waterborne transit for residents and visitors Improve transit efficiency, service and convenience to encourage use Incorporate parking management strategies that strive to create park-once environments, including parking maximums, shared-use parking for mixed-use projects and onstreetparking 5. VIBRANT LOCAL AND REGIONAL ECONOMY Sustainability recognizes the need for both local and regional economic prosperity and resilience to maintain the health of the community. It encourages self-reliance, entrepreneurial activity and the generation of wealth to occur in a manner that does not undermine the ability of individuals and communities to meet their basic needs. Provide economic opportunities for investment, businesses and employment that will support an economically diverse and prosperous year-round community Ensure infrastructure, community facilities and the health of the Lake and forest are improved with new investment and economic growth Create live/work and work/live opportunities with flexible buildings and mixed-use zoning that allows local businesses to grow and evolve over time Encourage the adoption of green business practices and other systems that enhance both the environmental and economic performance of businesses in the community Become a leader in green building implementation and new emerging technologies for mountain communities 6. DIVERSE HOUSING Strive to maintain a permanent year-round population that supports community services and economic vitality. Offer a wide range of diverse housing opportunities, both ownership and rental, for all income levels Integrate green and sustainable construction into all new housing units, neighborhoods and mixed-use centers. 7. FOREST HEALTH AND RECREATION The City of South Lake Tahoe is blessed with its natural Surroundings, access to wilderness and the Lake. Trail facility upgrades are improving access and the opportunity to recreate. Connect surrounding forests to urban open spaces, parks, natural areas and SEZs to encourage biodiversity and healthy habitat Design into the 56-acre project a central gathering place with passive and active recreational opportunities Maximize the use of native plants in landscaping Create management zones that help to minimize use of irrigation and pesticides Incorporate recycled gray water and roof water as a “purple pipe” system for irrigation where appropriate 8. COMMUNITY FACILITIES & EDUCATION Provide community facilities that support a healthy lifestyle for both residents and visitors. Create a public education, awareness and capacity building program as an important component of the plan. Create a vibrant social community that promotes safety and encourages residents to meet Develop a strategy to provide amenities and facilities that supports quality of life for all ages groups As the City is currently spread out, locate facilities within proximity to public transit and surrounding neighborhoods Identify action items for residents and businesses that improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact 9. HEALTHY FOOD SYSTEM Climate and elevation make local food production a challenge. Work toward a vibrant and sustainable regional food system that connects fresh, healthy and local food (100 to 150 miles) to residents, grocers, casinos and restaurants. Encourage the development of markets and restaurants within convenient distances of all residents to reduce driving, increase local economic activity, and increase quality of life. Look at a regional food network as an economic development tool to build health and wealth Provide assistance to connect food establishments with consumers and producers Encourage locally owned and ecologically sound storage and distribution infrastructure Design a permanent year-round public market in the City to serve as a community gathering place Encourage gardening in neighborhoods with good soils, access to water and sunlight Encourage organic food supply 10. GREEN BUILDINGS New buildings are long-term investments and should feature quality design/materials, flexible design to deal with changing demands and be built green. Develop a green building strategy to encourage redevelopment, compact neighborhoods, mixed-use centers and address: energy efficiency; solar design; indoor air quality; green roofs; water efficient fixtures; etc. Incorporate energy efficiency in city buildings and facilities Provide clear incentives for green buildings and consider phasing in the green rating system or LEED certification Establish a green demonstration program for a variety of building types including single family, commercial industrial, townhouses, apartments, and mixed-use projects.
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