Sunday, April 24, 2011

Welcome to the Tani Indonesia - All About Agriculture And Forestry Plantations

Welcome to the Tani Indonesia - All About Agriculture And Forestry Plantations.
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Jabon adalah Tanaman Kayu Keras yang cepat tumbuh, Tanaman yang termasuk famili Rubiaceae ini tumbuh baik pada ketinggian 0 – 1 000 m dpl, pada jenis tanah lempung, podsolik cokelat, dan aluvial lembab yang yang umumnya terdapat di sepanjang sungai yang beraerasi baik.

Jabon adalah jenis pohon cahaya (light-demander) yang cepat tumbuh. Pada umur 3 tahun tingginya dapat mencapai 9 m dengan diameter 11 cm. Pada usia 5-6 tahun lingkar batangnya bisa 40 sampai 50 cm, diameter Pertumbuhan antara 5-10 cm/tahun. Di alam bebas, pohon Jabon pernah ditemukan mencapai tinggi 45 m dengan diameter lebih dari 100 cm.

Bentuk tajuk seperti payung dengan sistem percabangan melingkar. Daunnya tidak lebat. Batang lurus silindris dan tidak berbanir dengan tingkat kelurusan yang sangat bagus. Batangnya bebas cabang sampai 60%,cabang akan rontok sendiri (self purning), warna kayunya putih krem (kuning terang) sampai sawo kemerah merahan.

Kayunya mudah dikeringkan, mudah dipaku dan di lem, susutnya rendah. Sangat mungkin dimanfaatkan oleh Industri Mebel/Furniture, Plywood/kayu Lapis, Batang Korek Api, Alas sepatu, Papan, Peti, bahan kertas kelas sedang.

Pohon usia 5 tahun dapat di panen, Usaha Kebun JABON menguntungkan dan menjanjikan.

On 8/15/08 the City of South Lake Tahoe City Council unanimously adopted the following Six Next Steps towards Sustainability, which were also identified by the Green Cities Committee/Interim Sustainability Working Group: GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE--ENERGY REDUCTION: Reduce Green House Gas Emissions (GHG) and the City's Carbon Footprint by reducing energy use in City facilities 15% by 2012. The City will complete an energy audit and develop an action plan that will accomplish this goal. GREEN BUILDING: Commit to establishing a new green building program and standards for City projects. including requirements to meet or exceed the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED rating or use the Build It Green scoring system. ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY TRANSIT: Move toward clean transit, including compressed natural gas (CNG) buses and alternative fuels in the bus fleet. The City also will create an incentive program to encourage City employees to use alternative modes of transportation to get to work including public transit, carpool or bicycle. GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE-WASTE REDUCTION & RECYCLING: Develop a recycling action plan to achieve a 55% diversion rate by 2011. By requiring recycling containers in all city buildings the City will lead by example; Recycle and conserve. GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE--WASTE REDUCTION & RECYCLING/ENERGY REDUCTION: Investigate and discuss with the business community by June 2009 and return to City Council with a program designed to reduce the use of plastic bags and Styrofoam in the City of South Lake Tahoe. HOST A SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 SUSTAINABILITY PUBLIC WORKSHOP: Host an additional public workshop to review the Draft Sustainability Vision and explore opportunities for partnering, collaboration and innovation.


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